Coronavirus/COVID-19 Staff & Patient Safety Measures.

Jessica Clayburgh’s top priority is ensuring a safe environment for myself and my patients. I remain committed to being open to service the needs of my patients. I continue to monitor the latest reports regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and I am following all precautions and policies recommended by the CDC and the RI Department of Health.

Based on the current COVID-19 protocols, I ask that you NOT come to the clinic if:

1) You currently have a fever, cough, chills, and shortness of breath, body aches, or any other flu-like symptoms.

2) You have had close contact with or exposure to an individual with confirmed or suspected COVID-19.

I will continue to monitor developments and work with you to find the best and safest solutions to maintain your physical therapy care plan or cranioSacral treatment. I appreciate the privilege of having you as a patient and working with you to achieve your goals.

Healthiest Regards,

Jessica Clayburgh, MSPT